Our Observations

Early Childhood Development

Many South African Children in marginalized  communities lack access to formal early childhood  learning and development due to many reasons  including but not limited to lack of infrastructure,  poverty, and lack of trained educators.

This has pushed such Communities to create their  own Early Childhood Development Centers to help  in providing early learning services to accommodate  and educate Children using infrastructure that does  not meet ECD compliance standards.

School Library resized-new
Basic Education & Learning

Majority of Learners in poverty stricken  communities are struggling to read for meaning,  write proper spelling and grammar.

This is due to various reasons such as lack of reading  culture, access to Library resources and relevant  books that they can easily relate to.

This has led to bad performance amongst Learners  and killed their confidence and interests for  schooling, which leads to a high number of Children  dropping out of school.

Our Solution

Classroom Construction - Resized
Early Childhood Development

  • Through Music Foundation provides a solution to assist in  formalizing the existing informal ECD Centers by  demolishing shack classrooms and build classroom  facilities that meets all national norms and compliance  standards.

  • Equip the Learning Center with outdoor play area  facilities, learning materials, educational toys, laptop and  printer for administration purposes.

  • Arrange authorized Early Childhood Development  Inspectors to inspect and authenticate the Center with  relevant certification.

LIBRARY - Resized
Basic Education & Learning

  • Through Music Foundation provides a solution to build  libraries for the affected schools in marginalized  communities and equip them with books that Learners  can relate to.

  • Assist the recipient School to adopt and establish a  debate and spelling class as a new initiative that forms  part of the Library program.

Our How

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Fund Raise Through Corporate Funding

Corporates Social Investment Funding from Private  Institutions is our main source of funding our programs,  making sure that we go out and help as many as  possible impoverished and marginalized communities  around South Africa and report back to our Funders.

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Fund Raise Through Music Concerts

Through Music Foundation utilizes a fundraising  method of staging live music and Cultural events to  help raise funds to sustain its programs, hence the  organization is named ‘’Through Music Foundation”  and that is because it raises funds through music  events to help marginalized communities.